Attack Phase, day 3

On the morning of day three I am 2kgs (4.4lbs) lighter. I believe a lot of that is to do with the drastic change of eating everything in sight, as well as drinking alcohol with every meal over the four days of Christmas I enjoyed, to now eating only protein for every meal and drinking 1.5-2L of water daily. I haven’t felt hungry, except when I’m due my next meal.

My favourite dishes so far are soy & garlic chicken, and Dukan oatbran pancakes with smoked mackerel and cottage cheese. Devine.

Attack phase meals
Attack phase meals

My cravings have been strange – it’s not sugar or chocolate like I had expected. It’s more broccoli and brussel sprouts. BRUSSEL SPROUTS?! I think it’s because I know I can start my vege intake again in three days – and the sweetness those glorious vegetables provide.

I won’t fib, it’s 6.30PM and right now I would love to be pouring myself a glass of red wine. But I know that as soon as I do I have wasted the past two days, and all of today’s efforts, as well as the chances of me ordering a pizza sky rocketing. So why ruin it all? Instead I will ‘treat’ myself with a chilled glass of diet coke.

When I feel like I want to cheat, a quick scroll through fashion boards on Pinterest and I’m back on track and daydreaming of the new wardrobe I will spoil myself with.

Attack Phase, day 3

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